Tag: news

Cluster Aeronáutico y Aeroespacial de Canarias

NASA’s Voyager 1 continues its cosmic legacy with new signals from interstellar space

La Voyager 1 de la NASA continúa su legado cósmico con nuevas señales desde el espacio interestelar La Voyager 1, la sonda más alejada de la Tierra, ha vuelto a captar la atención mundial tras enviar señales a la Tierra después de cinco meses de silencio. Este acontecimiento marca un hito en la historia de…
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The future of aerial mobility: innovative features of “Lift Aircraft” and its associated drones.

The future of aerial mobility: innovative features of “Lift Aircraft” and its associated drones. LIFT Aircraft emerges as a pioneer in personal aviation with its revolutionary HEXA drone, founded by Matt Chasen. This company has challenged the limits of flight with an aerial vehicle that does not require a pilot’s license to operate. The HEXA…
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The Aeronautics and Aerospace Cluster of the Canary Islands attends the “National Innovation and Design Awards 2023”

The Aeronautics and Aerospace Cluster of the Canary Islands attends the “National Innovation and Design Awards 2023” In an outstanding event presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain at the Miller Building in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the prestigious National Innovation and Design Awards 2023 were presented. The ceremony was…
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Rocket Lab awarded million-dollar contract with U.S. Space Force

Rocket Lab se adjudica contrato millonario con la Fuerza Espacial de EE. UU Rocket Lab has secured a new milestone in its space career by being awarded a $14.49 million contract by the United States Space Force. The mission, named “Space Test Program-30” (STP-S30), will be launched from Launch Complex 2 within 24 months after…
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Hidden Aviation Hazards: Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Hidden Aviation Hazards: Foreign Object Debris (FOD) In the aerospace industry there is a constant concern: the dreaded Foreign Object Debris (FOD). These small items such as pieces of metal, tools, construction debris and material debris that can wreak havoc on aircraft safety. Such objects can be sucked into the engines, causing severe and potentially…
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Advances in Space: Jeff Bezos’ Alternative to the International Space Station

Avances en el Espacio: Orbital Reef y el Futuro de la Exploración Espacial The International Space Station (ISS), in which Spain participates with the European agency, is expected to return to Earth in less than 10 years. However, Blue Origin, the company owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, in collaboration with NASA, has been working…
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Breaking the sound barrier: a history of modern aviation

Breaking the sound barrier: a history of modern aviation Before we can talk about sonic booms and how today’s aircraft are able to overcome the sound barrier, we need to talk about the history of aviation and how we got to this point today. The history of aviation is a tale of technological development, exploration…
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A centennial flight over the Canary Islands

A centennial flight over the Canary Islands The Blériot XI, the legendary airplane that first took to the skies over the Canary Islands. Primera cadena, Segunda cadena, Tercera cadena Leonce Garnier (Beaumont, 1881-1963), the French aviator who arrived in the archipelago in the second half of April 1913 with his wife and his mechanic, accompanied…
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Strengths of the Aeronautical and Aerospace sector in the Canary Islands

Speech by the President of the Aeronautical and Aerospace Cluster of the Canary Islands – Atlántico Noticias 📢 The president of the Aeronautical and Aerospace Cluster of the Canary Islands, José Luis García, recently participated in the program “#AtlánticoNoticias” of Radio Televisión Canaria, addressing key issues related to the development of the sector in the region. During his…
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Charting Air Routes: The Epic Larache-Canary Raid and the Conquest of the Sky in 1923.

Charting Air Routes: The Epic Larache-Canary Raid and the Conquest of the Sky in 1923. In a remarkable feat, Spanish Army aviators conducted a raid from “Larache” to “Canarias”. Using a Dornier Wall-W-3 seaplane named “Melilla” and two Breguet XIV-A-2s named “Archipiélago Canario” and “Tenerife”, these pilots flew 1500 kilometers in almost a month. The…
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